Gaining Clarity about what's important.

This is an allied response to gratefulness. One of the big problems in life is chasing after things that aren’t the most important things. We are bombarded on a daily basis by advertising that says if we purchase this product or that experience we will be happy and dutifully we go out and purchase these products and experiences and for a while, we feel happy but that happiness very quickly ebbs away and once again we are tricked into thinking that another product or experience that is being currently advertised will finally bring the satisfaction that we have always been searching for. The job of advertising is to make everyone chronically dissatisfied - to make a luxury, a necessity. 


COVID-19 can teach us that it's not the purchase and accumulation of material things that brings true happiness, it’s something else. This virus can help clarify for you what is important and what is not important. This won’t mean that you will stop buying that new pair of cool shoes but you will realise that it’s not what brings true happiness. True happiness is identifying what truly is important to you and that is what I have already written about in a previous article and that is identifying your core values and then living your life according to those core values and that may mean of course purchasing products and experiences in line with your core values, but it won’t be mindlessly buying things that advertising tries to sell to you.